Our Approach

Business Owners

Join a group where the best businesses and best people can thrive. 

We buy profitable companies, delivering the highest standards of products and services, led by high-performing management teams. We remain hands-off, trusting the management team to run the business day-to-day. By supporting the management teams utilising our sector-specific strategic, legal and financial expertise, we can help unlock further business potential.

We are a long-term purchaser of businesses. We look for acquisitions where our management philosophy and expertise will improve the long-term growth and profitability of the business we are acquiring.

Our decentralised model and long-term investment horizon empowers our businesses to focus on what they do best – delivering outstanding products and services to the clients they serve. We believe that the best decisions are made locally, by those who are closest to the customer.

As we do not manage outside capital, we are completely vested in both the financial and social impact success of each of our investments and can focus on building sustainable profitability and growth that benefits companies, individuals and society at large.

We understand that each business has its own philosophy, culture, and values and therefore we don’t look to make wholesale changes or fundamentally change the fabric of the company – we celebrate and build on what makes a business successful and unique. And rather than merging businesses, looking for cost or revenue synergies across our portfolio of companies, we employ a federalised structure where the business continues to operate independently and retains its identity and value base.

We differentiate ourselves from trade buyers and private equity firms in our approach…

Specifically we:

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