Defining Leadership in Social Care

With a plethora of articles, how-tos, and motivational quotes about how to inspire your workforce at the click of a button, it’s easy to get consumed in the vast content available. But when it comes to defining leadership and culture in a social care environment, there is a strong argument for a more bespoke approach. Rob Finney explains why to Care Appointment magazine.

Rob Finney, Chief Operating Officer at Tristone Healthcare, believes that the underlying principles of any strategy (leadership, operational, or otherwise) are the vulnerable and cared-for individuals who sit at the centre of any setting. From that unwavering foundation, you can begin to define what leadership and culture mean – and, more importantly, what they mean in a social care context.

Social care needs to be influenced by inclusive, emotionally intelligent leaders – a commonly held truism in our industry. This means effective social care is dependent upon very high standards of production, commercial skills and an ability to challenge, combined with an emphasis on inclusion and empowerment.

Read the full article on the Care Appointment website.
